
"Erőd forrása az egyensúly, avagy a lelki béke. De a békesség nem álmosságot jelent! Békében élni annyit jelent: szövetséget kötsz az erőkkel, ahelyett, hogy harcolnál ellenük." Andrew Matthews

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Colors+mandala+good company = joy!

2015.05.09. 19:15 agi10

If I had to express the mandala color afternoon in a mathematical way, I would use the form above. I participated the event on the 7th of May. Our hosts were Csaba and Eszter, they create the mandalas by themselves. Needless to say, all of them are wonderful! Not only wonderful, but they all have a meaning. The heart of the creators are in them.

I was a little late, but Eszter received me with a huge and kind smile. Let’s choose a mandala and we find a place for you. The colorful pencils were all over the tables and everyone was paying attention to the process of coloring.

Csabi encouraged us to be brave and use tones and even draw into the mandalas.

It was interesting to see myself. Me, I have never drawn anything into a mandala. Because it is pretty and symmetric, I would just mess it up. But listening to Csaba, finally I did draw. And it was amazing. Immediately I had fresh thoughts, I have never had before. I was joyful, because a little treasure appeared within me. :)

Most of the time we were quiet, which gave us space to concentrate on coloring. But of course sometimes we had conversations connected to the topic as well. The theme was union, the color was red and the number was 5. Interestingly we were 14 people and 1+4 = 5. Yes! We didi t! :)

The evening was pleasant. We have been learning, coloring and being children. It is definitely worth to come and try. Coloring a mandala is not only pleasant, but a good way for personal development.

The event is regularly in Magnet közösségi ház. You can find different events on its Facebook page. The next one will be held on the 21st of May.



I hope we will meet there. :)

Egy kattintás és értesülhetsz a friss írásokról::

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